Paid Search (Facebook Ads & Google Ads)

We may include in our Management services Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Yahoo Ads & Google Ads


Paid Search (Facebook Ads & Google Ads)

Paid Search Management

We may include in our services Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Yahoo Ads, Google Ads.

Facebook Ads & Google Ads: That represents almost 100% of the searches in the world, whether you are looking to create an ad account from the ground-up, or restructure an existing campaign for better results, we can help. Our PPC team has tried and true PPC management experience in many types of industries. Our paid search strategy is rooted in strategic segmentation to optimize paid profitability for your business. Our team focuses on utilizing quality scores to your benefit so you have the most success.

Bing Ads & Yahoo Ads

If 100% of customers aren’t searching on Google, then why limit your online ad presence there? Although Bing and Yahoo account for significantly less search engine user market share than Google, they still receive almost 400 million searches a day combined. With ads occupying almost 60% of important real estate on the first page of search results for Bing and Yahoo, Bing Ads is extremely advantageous.

Our PPC management services include:

  • Keyword discovery and selection
  • Campaign and Ad group structure and creation
  • Geo-targeting
  • User segmentation
  • Negative keyword research and match
  • Landing page consultancy
  • Custom landing page creation
  • Full bid strategy
  • Ad text creation
  • Ad extension customization
  • And more…

In addition to these services, we provide regular reporting monthly or yearly on performance metrics, including clicks, cost per click, conversions, phone calls, return on ad spend, and more. We provide transparent recommendations on a budget and segmentation to equip you with the information to make well-informed decisions and grow your business.

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